Learn to do good, seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow. - Isaiah 1:17

Our public policy advocacy activities are rooted in the moral teachings of the Bible and the diverse religious traditions of our members and interfaith partners. In collaboration with our faith partners, we advocate for the common good and for the well-being of all Oregonians. We believe that a healthy society provides for the well-being of all, particularly the poor, the young, the old and those who are ill. We strive to live out the words of Jesus: “... whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

The common good is dependent upon well-functioning democratic institutions, a strong, well-funded safety-net, and an ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship, violence-reduction, and the advancement of peace, justice and human dignity.

Our policy work is guided by a “Statement of Social Principles and Concerns.”

Legislative Priorities 2025-26

Welcome the Stranger

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon continues to advocate and partner with groups to  welcome refugees and immigrants. Our coalition’s renewal and expansion of the Welcoming Refugees Bill ensures funding for crucial supports for Oregonians to access health care, education, employment and other services they need to start new lives.


    • SB 703 / HB 2788 Pathways to Protection & Citizenship Act: Would expand existing ODHS immigration legal services programming through grantsto culturally-specific and nonprofit legal services providers across Oregon.

View Refugee-Immigrant Bills Archive

Sheltering the Houseless

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon is leading efforts to increase funding for services and housing for the roughly 3,700 Oregon youth who are homeless and separated from their families. The unaccompanied homeless youth population is disproportionately comprised of marginalized identities and provides the opportunity to confront systemic inequities. Students tend to separate from their families due to domestic violence, family housing instability, and rejection from the home if the youth identifies as LGBTQIA+.

Check back soon.
View Housing Bills Archive

Advancing Climate Justice

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon's Creation Justice and Oregon Interfaith Power & Light (OIPL) program are using our voice to support the communities most affected by the climate crisis. As our state witnessed during the 2020 wildfire season, climate change poses a clear and present danger to Oregonians, especially BIPOC and low-income communities. Our response to this crisis therefore must be timely and must prioritize the needs of these most affected populations.

Check back soon.
View Climate Bills Archive

Securing Criminal Justice Reform

Where equal treatment and personal safety should be the most basic outcomes of policing, whole segments of our society live in fear of unwarranted harassment and violence at the hands of their sworn protectors. EMO will support emerging pieces of legislation that promote justice and equity. EMO will also support long-standing efforts to reform the criminal justice system and reduce gun violence.

Check back soon.
View Criminal Justice Bills Archive