Legislative Priorities Archive
Welcome the Stranger
HB 2957 DACAistas + Families: Provides support for immigration attorney and filing fees for those seeking citizenship, stable status.
SB 940 Transcripts for Newcomer Students: Creates a standardized system of translating foreign transcripts so that students receive credit for classes taken before arriving in the United States.
PASSED: SB 1560 Updating immigration terminology in Oregon law to replace the word "alien" with "noncitizen."
HB 4122 Support for Dreamers, ensuring they can afford to renew their DACA protections. Did not pass.
Passed 2021 (as part of a larger funding bill): SB 718 Welcoming Refugees Bill: Ensures continued investment in social services for immigrants and refugees.
SJM 1: Protecting Immigrant Families and Children from ICE Enforcement in Sensitive Locations: EMO Testimony
Sheltering the Houseless
SB 658 School District Supports for K-12 Students Who Are Experiencing Houselessness: Funds school districts to create and coordinate a set of supports that help students experiencing housessness.
PASSED - HB 2001 Housing and Services for Unaccompanied Youth: Renews funding for ODHS supports and creates a new fund to prevent youth houselessness by providing rapid rehousing funds for families and youth. View EMO testimony.
HB 3482 Housing on Faith/Nonprofit Property: Provides funding to better enable places of worship and nonprofits to build affordable housing units on their property.
HB 3010 Mortgage Interest Deduction Reform: Prioritize houselessness response over subsidies for high-income homeowners.
Passed: HB 4013 Homeless Youth Services and Support: View EMO Testimony
SB 1539: Establishing a pilot program for school districts to increase access for students experiencing homelessness did not pass. Read EMO Testimony.
Eviction UHY Testimony 2020 Special Session
Passed: HB 2006 Emergency Shelter: EMO Testimony
Passed: HB 2163 Long-term Rent Assistance for Foster Youth: EMO Testimony
Passed: HB 2505 Removing Bias in Child Welfare: EMO Testimony
Passed: HB 2544 More than doubles Oregon's investment in support services for Unaccompanied Houseless Youth
HB2826 Children Advocacy Centers: EMO Testimony
Passed: HB 2842, Healthy Homes (will fund home repairs and retrofits to improve the health of families in low-income and environmental justice communities)
Passed: HB 3294 The Menstrual Dignity Act: EMO Testimony
Passed: HB 3115 Decriminalizing Houselessness: EMO Testimony
SB 271-1 Funding for Housing Navigation Services for Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence: EMO Testimony
Passed: SB 278 Housing bill ensuring legislative protections passed this session are accessible to those who need them: EMO Testimony
Passed: : SB282 Tenant COVID-19 Recovery: EMO Testimony
Advancing Climate Justice
HB2990 Climate Resilience Hubs: Increases community resilience on an everyday basis and in response to disaster by investing in community centers and local networks of crucial services.
DID NOT PASS: HB2601 Treasury Climate Protection Act: Requires State Treasurer to exit from certain carbon-intensive investments and develop plan to protect state investments from risks related to climate change.
DID NOT PASS: HB 3459 Ending Utility Disconnections: Prohibits utility entities from disconnecting customers due to inability to pay. View EMO testimony.
Passed: HB 4002 Farmworker Protection: Would ensure farm workers receive overtime wages after working 40 hours a week, and that their lives are valued by extending overtime guarantees for their labor. Read EMO Testimony.
Passed: SB 1518 Reach Codes: Would allow Oregon cities the freedom to choose climate action by opting into stronger energy efficiency building standards. Read EMO Testimony.
Passed: SB 1536 Emergency Heat Relief Package: Visit emergencyheatrelief.org (English and Spanish). View info sheet. Read EMO Testimony.
HB 4115 Treasury Transparency of climate-related financial risk to assets held in the state’s investment funds. Passed in the House but not Considered in the Senate. Read EMO Testimony.
Passed: HB 2475 Energy Affordability Act: one-page info sheet; EMO Testimony
Passed: HB 2842 Healthy Homes: one-page info sheet; EMO Testimony
Passed: HB 2021 Clean Energy for All: one-page info sheet; EMO Testimony
SB 288 Governor Brown’s Resilience Bill: EMO Testimony
Passed: SR 17 Environmental Justice for Oregon (NAACP Eugene-Springfield/Beyond Toxics): "One -page info sheet"; EMO Testimony; watch Senate Committee Hearing
Securing Criminal Justice Reform
SB 579 Voting Rights for People Who Are Incarcerated: Allows incarcerated individuals to vote while in prison. View EMO Testimony.
SB 520 Compassionate Release: Forms a medical committee to decide, from a medical point of view, whether an incarcerated individual should be released due to their medical status.
Passed: SB 1510 requiring police officers to inform stopped persons of their right to refuse consent for a search.
Passed: HB 2417 Crisis Assistance Helping out on the Streets (CAHOOTS): EMO Testimony
Passed: SB 755 Drug Decriminalization and Addiction Treatment: EMO Testimony
Passed: SB 621 Implementation of Independent Review Board: EMO Testimony
location 245 S Bancroft St., Suite B, Portland, OR 97239
phone (503) 221-1054
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Britt Conroy, Public Policy Advocacy Director