A project of EMO, Oregon Interfaith Power & Light (OIPL) engages the faith community to strive for accountability in our individual and collective energy decisions in an interdependent world.
Our vision is a rich, abundant life for all creation rooted in renewable resources for a society moving into a post-fossil fuel era. The principles guiding our vision include justice, equality, compassion and respect for the sacredness of Earth.
Oregon Interfaith Power & Light is part of a multi-state network of Interfaith Power & Light affiliates and nested within Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. Locally and nationally, OIPL realizes its vision through grassroots advocacy for climate change solutions, policies and initiatives, and by providing opportunities for theological and spiritual reflection.
Focusing Our Efforts
Oregon Interfaith Power & Light’s work focuses on pathways to strengthen local community health and resilience through its extensive connections across Oregon faith communities, and is grateful to the many funders, including the local churches and individual donors who make this work possible.
The Faith Community and Resilience
Join also our efforts to support resilience efforts across the state. We participate in the B2Weeks Ready program that seeks to equip local communities to be prepared and be ready for wildfire, earthquake, drought, heat or other disaster. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Watch the 13th annual Interfaith Earth Summit: Climate Safety & Health
The 12th annual Earth Summit explores how climate change affects your safety and health—and what you can do about it. Learn how to protect yourself and your neighbors. Sign up to take the next step with others. The hybrid event took place on March 16, 2025, in communities all over Oregon. Watch now.
Energy-Saving Resources for Congregations
The Cool Congregations Carbon Checklist and Action Menu provides a checklist of items that contribute to your carbon—and overall environmental—footprint with concrete actions to reduce your footprint. It is intended to be used after your congregation determines its carbon footprint using the online calculator.
Energy Trust Offers Audits and Incentives to Congregations: If your congregation is in the territory of PGE, Pacific Power, NW Natural and Cascade Natural Gas, your energy efficiency upgrades may qualify for incentives on heating, lighting and kitchen equipment. They also provide energy audits. View more information.
“ShopIPL” for Energy Efficient Products: Looking for great prices on high-quality, energy efficient products like light bulbs and thermostats for your home or house of worship? Visit www.energyfederation.org, the online energy-efficiency store for congregations and their members. Your congregation can buy products like compact fluorescent light bulbs in bulk, members can order products for their own homes and businesses through the congregation, and youth groups or other groups can sell energy efficient products for fundraisers.
What Congregations Are Doing
Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation
"Central Lutheran Cools Sanctuary and the Planet"
"Synagogue Enlightens Members and Community on Energy Efficient Lighting and Light Bulb Recycling"
Green Building
"A Natural Sanctuary: St. Catherine of Alexandria Episcopal Church, Manzanita"
"Green Building Case Study: First Unitarian Church of Portland"
"Friends remodel includes green practices," Multnomah Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
"Holy Redeemer Goes Green: New Science and Media Center"
"First Congregational UCC, Ashland"
"Congregation Neveh Shalom"
location 245 S Bancroft St., Suite B, Portland, OR 97239
phone (503) 221-1054
fax (503) 223-7007
email [email protected]