"Be rich in good deeds." 1 Timothy 6:18
The Presidents’ Circle: Create a legacy of your faith through planned giving
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon's Presidents’ Circle is a group of supporters who have pledged to put EMO in their will or other planned giving vehicles. They are dedicated to ensuring EMO’s capability to respond to future needs faced by generations to come and will play a vital role in continuing our ecumenical work in Oregon.
The EMO Presidents' Circle was founded in celebration of EMO’s 40th Anniversary by former EMO presidents the late The Rev. John Dennis, The Rev. Alcena Boozer and Bonny Groshong and EMO Executive Director Emeritus The Rev. Dr. Rodney Page. “For nearly 50 years through EMO, people of faith have joined together to work, pray and serve in unity, while celebrating their diversity,” says Page. “You can be part of a solid foundation for the future of ecumenical leadership by joining the Presidents’ Circle.”
Your gifts can be designed to benefit your ministry of choice now while protecting your assets, or to benefit yourself or a loved one now and your ministry of choice later. Any of these gifts can be made in the name of a loved one—a concrete and beautiful way to honor or remember a beloved individual.
If you have included Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon in your will or estate plan and would like to join the Presidents’ Circle, please contact Kristi Baack, Director of Development, at (503) 221-1054, ext. 208, or [email protected]. You may also download the Presidents' Circle brochure.
Planned Giving
Planned giving can provide benefits for you and your family, as well as helping fulfill your charitable and stewardship goals. Planned giving vehicles can help prepare for possible future needs: health, accidents or unforeseen financial challenges. They can help you provide for your spouse, dependents or other loved ones, while reducing the tax consequences of your current assets and future estate taxes.
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon is fortunate to collaborate with established professionals in the field; our planned gifts are managed through the Presbyterian Foundation, one of the oldest and most respected financial entities in the United States, as well as through the Oregon Community Foundation. EMO staff and professionals from these financial institutions are available free of charge to answer your questions and help you fulfill your stewardship goals.
Sample Testamentary Language
A general bequest: "I give to Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, whose current legal address is 0245 SW Bancroft St., Suite B, Portland, Oregon, ___________ (specifically describe property or percentage of estate or residual), to be used for its general charitable purposes as the Board of Directors of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon." (If you wish to give to a specific program within EMO you can say “to be used for_____” instead of “for general charitable purposes.”)
Types of Gifts
Charitable Gift Annuities, Unitrusts or Remainder Trusts - Do you need a guaranteed income for life from your assets? These vehicles enable you to make a future gift to EMO or the ministry of your choice, while receiving a guaranteed income from the assets. Assets can be managed by the trustees of your choice, or by Oregon Community Foundation, to provide you and/or your loved one a guaranteed payment for life or a term of years.
Charitable Lead Trusts - Are you concerned about your estate being subject to large taxes before being passed on to your heirs? A charitable lead trust may be the right vehicle for you. When you establish this type of trust, EMO (or your favorite EMO program) receives payments from this trust, usually for a set term of years. Your tax burdens may be reduced, and at the end of the term, the trust assets are returned to your estate or passed on to your heirs.
Appreciated Securities - Has the value of your stocks or other investments risen so quickly that selling them will increase your tax burden? Gifts of appreciated securities may offer the benefits of reduced tax liability while furthering your charitable goal. Giving appreciated securities which you have held for over one year may be a way to avoid capital gains tax and possibly to allow you to deduct the full market value of the stock. (To achieve this result, shares must be transferred to EMO, rather than sold, redeemed or exchanged.)
Gifts of Life Insurance - You can make a significant future gift by naming Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon as the recipient of all or a portion of the proceeds of an existing life insurance policy. You may receive a tax deduction for the cash surrender value, thus reducing your tax liability. Another way of giving life insurance is to purchase a new policy naming Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon as owner and beneficiary. You may receive an income tax deduction for each premium as it is made, while providing a major gift for a modest annual payment.
Gifts of Real Estate - Real estate can provide a unique gift opportunity whether it has increased or decreased in value. Sizeable capital gains often occur when property that has been held for many years is sold. An outright gift of real estate may result in tax savings since you may receive a charitable income tax deduction for the appraised value of the property. Capital gains tax may be avoided if the charity sells the property. You may also make a gift of your home or farm property and still retain the use of it during your lifetime. This may allow you to claim a charitable deduction for the gift, while retaining all the benefits of ownership. After your lifetime, the charity will have complete control of the property. A portion of the value of the property may be deductible as a charitable donation in the year of your gift.
Permanent Funds - With an irrevocable gift of $5,000 or more, you can set up a permanent fund to support EMO or your ministry of choice. You can use a variety of assets such as cash, stocks, mutual fund shares, real estate or other property to create a Permanent Fund. The trustees will manage the principal in perpetuity, and the income will provide ongoing support to EMO or your chosen ministry.
EMO does not offer financial or legal advice. Please consult your attorney or financial professional. For more information on planned giving options, please call Kristi Baack at EMO, (503) 221-1054, ext. 208. Thank you for your generosity and support of EMO. Note: The Internal Revenue Service recognizes Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon as a tax-deductible, 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. Our tax identification number is 93-0625359.