Turn your concern and passion about climate change into action, and join us in Salem for the Clean Energy Jobs Lobby Day to push for meaningful climate legislation.
As people of faith, we are called to live out a prophetic vision that prioritizes protecting the most vulnerable communities in our society and the abundant Creation in which we have the privilege to live. Our state’s approach to addressing climate change currently falls short of this vision. Let’s show up in force to encourage our elected leaders to support for legislation that repairs our compact with each other and our natural home.
This free event will start with training to make sure you feel ready to talk with your legislator. Next is lunch, then join VIP speakers to rally on the Capitol steps for climate action. In the afternoon, you will go with a trained lobby day leader to your pre-scheduled meetings to ask your legislator to support climate legislation in 2019.
This is a day when we have the opportunity to make an incredibly powerful statement to our legislators to pass the strongest bill on climate — and it’s a ton of fun!
RSVP at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gwl_DgVjJv_Ed9neB4bopC2wmgUrW-GGchBrpvyze3E/edit?usp=drive_web