Pathways to Belonging: A Guide to Voting in Oregon

Beaverton Resource Center 13565 SW Walker Road, West Building, Beaverton, Oregon

Voting is a fundamental right and gives citizens a tool to make changes in their communities. This comprehensive FREE event will guide attendees through the voting process in Oregon. We will cover everything from eligibility requirements to registration deadlines, ensuring you have the knowledge and confidence to exercise your right to vote and empower your … Continue reading Pathways to Belonging: A Guide to Voting in Oregon

The Roots of Care: Caring for the marginalized in Hebrew Scripture and tradition

Catholic Charities 2740 SE Powell Blvd., Portland, Oregon

Rabbi Michael Cahana, Senior Rabbi for Portland’s oldest synagogue, will give a free talk on Sept. 19 at Catholic Charities of Oregon, 2740 SE Powell Boulevard in Portland. His timely topic will be care for the marginalized as found in Hebrew Scripture and tradition. A key leader of Portland’s Jewish community, Rabbi Cahana has led … Continue reading The Roots of Care: Caring for the marginalized in Hebrew Scripture and tradition

Democracy Forum

First Christian Church 1314 SW Park Ave., Portland, Oregon, United States

First Christian Church in Portland will present three Forums in October. The public is invited to the series called “Democracy is ALIVE, Know the ISSUES, and VOTE.” All forums take place at 12:15 pm in the Church Fellowship Hall. The Forums are free of charge. First Christian Church requests that everyone register to attend so … Continue reading Democracy Forum

Interfaith Legislative Forum

Join us for the 2025 Interfaith Legislative Forum on Jan. 12 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Would you like to hear from Oregon’s Senators and Representatives about session priorities? Do you want to know how to be most effective in your advocacy efforts? The Interfaith Legislative Forum will provide an overview of legislative issues of … Continue reading Interfaith Legislative Forum

Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery

Westminster Presbyterian Church 1624 NE Hancock St. Portland, OR. 97212 1624 NE Hancock, Portland, OR, United States

DISMANTLING THE DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY: HOW DID THE AMERICAN CHURCH BECOME SO BROKEN? For more than 500 years, the Doctrine of Discovery instituted by Pope Nicolas and others has justified slavery, wars of conquest, genocide, and the dehumanization of millions—and in the name of Christ. Today, we live with the deeply ingrained systems which were … Continue reading Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery

Taller de Testimonio 101 (en Español)

Aprendamos juntes sobre qué esun testimonio, cómo hacer uno ycuál es el poder de los testimoniosen la sesión legislativa.Este evento es presentado por elDepartamento de Liderazgo yAbogacía de Adelante Mujeres ylos Ministerios Ecuménicos deOregón (EMO). Fecha: Jueves, 06 de Marzo, 2025 Horario: 6 - 8 p.m. Ubicación: Regístrate para recibir la ubicación Registrarse Aquí: … Continue reading Taller de Testimonio 101 (en Español)